Category Archives: Breweries


Guinness Comes to Baltimore

Relay, MD Aug 3, 2018

Diageo, the owners of Seagrams and Guinness, opened the Guinness Open Gate Brewery & Barrel House this Friday, August 3rd at 3 pm. After a 15-minute drive from Columbia, MD, we arrived at the Guinness Brewery about 3:45 pm. At the gate entrance, we were given wristbands (free admission) proving our worthiness to drink Irish beer. We entered the “Open Gate”, a little stunned by the enormous, amusement park feel. Continue reading Guinness Comes to Baltimore

Frisco Tap House

Beer Reads

Early this morning, I’ll be harvesting potatoes from my garden. It is has been hot and dry, so I plan to water as well. Later, I’ll hide away in the A/C and watch a little World Cup soccer: it’s France vs. Argentina, then Uruguay vs. Portugal. Around 5:00 PM, I plan to drive into Baltimore for the Checkerspot Brewing’s Grand Opening. It’s open from 12 PM – 12 AM today.

I’ve discovered a few “beer reads” for your amusement on this 90° plus weekend. Enjoy.

Continue reading Beer Reads