All posts by Warren

Saturday Beer Reads

For me, its been a week preparing for winter. I’ve been putting my garden to bed, transplanting perennials to new garden beds and cleaning up the yard. And of course, attending Frisco’s Punktoberfest 6, with all that delicious pumpkin beer! Despite hearing that pumpkin beer is no longer in vogue, I still love it!  Continue reading Saturday Beer Reads

Maryland Beer Laws Suck

Baltimore, MD

Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot’s Reform on Tap Task Force provides damning evidence about the economic impact of Maryland’s beer legislation. The Economic Impact of the Craft Beer Industry in Maryland report states, “the National Brewers Association, finds that Maryland trails other states, ranking 47th in economic impact, 36th in the number of breweries and 25th in gallons produced per adult aged 21 years and over”. Second,  Kevin Atticks, Executive Director of Maryland Wineries Association, provides many examples of Maryland’s beer laws directly preventing breweries from coming to Maryland.

Continue reading Maryland Beer Laws Suck

Frisco Taphouse Zombie X-ing

Frisco, Firestone Walker and a new T-shirt

Columbia, MD

It’s Wednesday night, which means Frisco Pint Night. Today features Firestone Walker, the amazing California brewery. I wore my Frisco T-shirt (aka Mr. Scratchy) in anticipation of Mark’s 50th beer. If you drink 50 unique beers at Frisco, you receive one of their T-shirts.  Well, there was a bit of a surprise.  Continue reading Frisco, Firestone Walker and a new T-shirt

Beer Reads

Although it is still officially autumn, the weather says summer. So, be sure to enjoy the great outdoors while you still can. And when you take a break, find a quiet place, open a refreshing beverage and catch up on the craft beer world.  Continue reading Beer Reads