All posts by Warren

Beer Reads

Finally, a beautiful weekend! I spent Saturday (Earth Day) at Howard Community College for Greenfest. Beerwise, I visited a new brewery, Crooked Crab Brewery in Odenton plus Jailbreak’s new restaurant in Laurel. Both were outstanding finds!  On this beautiful Sunday curl up with your favorite media device and read a few articles about some beer happenings.   Continue reading Beer Reads

National Beer Day 2018

April 7th celebrates the end of prohibition when in April of 1933, the Cullen-Harrison Act legalized the sale of beer and wine at 3.2% ABV. I know that my friend dBear will be brewing a Boo Berry Beer with lactose, Nottingham yeast, and real blueberries in honor of National Beer Day. Friend, neighbor, and musician, Brent, will be playing at Flying Dog Brewery today with Panama Rex from 4-8PM. I’ll be trying out a few saisons (strictly for research purposes) to pick my next beer to brew. What are you doing to celebrate National Beer Day 2018?  Continue reading National Beer Day 2018

Beer Reads for Easter Sunday

This week, I had a delicious beer given to me by my friend, Pierce.  This Pierce Brewing homebrew is made with New Zealand hops. What makes it unique is his process – he never adds hops during the boil. Instead, he adds Moutere to the wort prior to the boil, then Moutere and Nelson Sauvin for the dry/whirl. NZL DIPA has a terrific citrus aroma with a citrusy bitter taste that went down very easily. Next time you see Pierce, be extra nice to him and maybe if you’re lucky, he’ll offer you an NZL DIPA.   Continue reading Beer Reads for Easter Sunday

Beer Reads

March 17, 2018

This will be very brief. Happy St. Paddy’s Day! It has been a tough week. My mom passed away on Wednesday. After a long battle with Alzheimer’s, Lorna Wortman is gone at 88, just a few days shy of turning 89, today.  Continue reading Beer Reads