Baby it’s cold outside. All the presents are bought and the stockings are hung. There’s just a few nights before Santa will be landing on our roofs and drop off presents. Take time this time of year to love your neighbor, and enjoy family and friends.

Below are a few craft beer reads to enjoy over the holidays.
Scott Janish (of Sapwood Cellar), Rice Saison Lager.
The Craft Beer Channel, Annual Christmas Video 2019!!! I’m intrigued by the powdered ham. Also, the Avery Sandy Claws looks great!
Warren’s Beer Adventures, Ten Winter Beers for the Holidays. I split a glass of Corsendonk a couple of weeks ago to celebrate the holiday season. Yum!
UPROXX, The Best Winter Beers To Chase Down This Holiday Season. This is a great list. I’m glad to see Sam Smith’s Winter Welcome made the list. It’s one of my favorites!