Today’s production of this post is severely hampered by slicing a finger on a bit of broken glass. I’m typing vvvveeerrryyy ssslllooowwwlllyyy. It is nearly unbearable for me.

Enough of a pity party. Relax, have a cold one, and enjoy these craft beer reads.
Maxim, 5 RULES FOR LAUNCHING YOUR OWN SUCCESSFUL MICROBREWERY. This is for DBear and Pierce, 2 avid and excellent homebrewers who I expect will one day make the plunge.
DC Beer, Hard Seltzer is Here. I’ve never tried it. I like seltzer with juice. Maybe I’ll make my own.
Men’s Health, 25 Gift Ideas for Beer Lovers. I like the bottle cap state ornament.
BuzzFeed, 27 Great Gifts For Beer Lover. I like this bottle cap state even more.
Fortune, Gift Guide: The Best Brews for Beer Lovers. This list makes me thirsty!
Craft Beer & Brewing, Kveik: The Ancient and Modern Way to Brew. Old Norway yeast is making waves these days.
The Wandering Scooterist, Sapwood Cellars, Columbia MD. A fun video about a terrific brewery.
Sorry you cut yourself… that is such a pain… (see what I did there?? Cut… such a Pai…nevermind)…seriously, I do hope you’re finger feels better… Good News? holding a cold beer helps the swelling and drinking a cold beer helps the pain!
Thanks for the prescription, Dr. Jim.