As a fashion statement, I wore a stylish walking vest on my 11-minute journey to Sapwood Cellars. I need the vest because of my jaywalk across MD 108. The Pint Night Crew changed up our usual Frisco Wednesday meeting place, and got together at Sapwood.

Besides enjoying their great beer, I generally order half pours to try a variety of Sapwood samples. Hop Gem is a nice mild New England IPA with mild tropical hops flavor and a touch of lemon. Cherry/Blackberry Popper is a fruit sour tasting of tart cranberries and jammy fruit. These beers are very different but both delicious.
Sapwood offers bottled beers, usually a new sour each month. I picked up a bottle of Opulence, a Flanders Red Ale with local sour cherries. I look forward to enjoying this beer with a fresh cooked locally grown turkey for Thanksgiving, both beer and turkey are local.
On my way home, Pierce handed out a few bottles of his homebrews. I love free beer! Thanks, Pierce.