Columbia, MD August 7, 2019
Last night, we were attacked by a rogue pink elephant. We quickly sought refuge inside Frisco Tap House.

We calmed our nerves with some Delirium beers, from Huyghe Brewery out of Melle, Belgium. Delirium beers are famous for their high alcohol content. For instance, Delirium Tremens is an 8.5% ABV beer. Bucking the high ABV trend, I tried their Floris Passion, a tasty passion fruit sour. It is only 3.6%. BTW, the beer of the night, in my opinion, was the Delirium Red, a fruity sour with elderberry and cherry flavors.
There was a raffle for a Delirium neon sign. None of the pint nighters won it, but we all walked away with a nice tulip glass.

Oh, I almost forgot, I picked up a breathalyzer from Best Buy. It’s called a BACtest and fits on a key chain. I’m not sure how accurate it is but it’s only $30. We had fun trying it out.

The breathalyzer has one caveat that is a bit impractical – you need to stop eating and drinking for 20 minutes to get an accurate reading. I had another beer, a Bear Republic Racer 5. My 2 beers were 3.6% and 7.5%, drunk over the course of 2 hours. My final reading came out to 0.04. This agrees with dBear’s drinking rule – keep your ABV sum under 20 for two hours. My 11.1% ABV consumption over 2 hours resulting in half of the legal limit (0.08). Also, don’t worry, I wasn’t driving.
One note about the performance of the BACtrack. dBear had a tough time getting a reading. It is very picky about when to blow into the contraption. I have also had several “FL” readings (meaning failures) when playing around with it. I’m not sure how accurate this thing is but it is fun to try with a few friends.
Not interested in the before drinking number…that’s gonna be zero for everyone. The after drinking number would be much more interesting. IMHO.
You are right, the after drinking number is more interesting. Like I said in the post, “My 2 beers were 3.6% and 7.5%, drunk over the course of 2 hours. My final reading came out to 0.04. ” Sorry, I didn’t think to get a picture of the BACtrack right after drinking. I must have been slightly impaired, maybe around 0.04