It looks like the cool weather of Deep Creek Lake has followed me to Columbia, MD. We finally have a few days under 90°.

It looks like the cool weather of Deep Creek Lake has followed me to Columbia, MD. We finally have a few days under 90°.
Escaping the oppressive heat in Columbia, MD, we loaded up the Bolt and headed west to Deep Creek Lake. The lake was deep and the weather was cool. We had many adventures visiting state parks, renting a pontoon boat for a couple days and even trying our hand at ax throwing. Continue reading Saturday Beer Reads from Deep Creek
Columbia, MD August 7, 2019
Last night, we were attacked by a rogue pink elephant. We quickly sought refuge inside Frisco Tap House.
Continue reading Pink Elephant AttackHighland, MD August 4, 2019
On a hot Sunday, we decided to go for a drive. This was an excuse to try out our brand new, electric vehicle, a Chevy Bolt. It provides about 240 miles on a fully charged battery – sweet!
Continue reading Brewer’s Art Comes to HoCoMy 17 tomatoes are loving this hot weather. Right now, they are pumping out massive amounts of delicious fruit. We are devouring Cherokee Purples, Brandywines, Sungolds, Better Boys, Early Girls, Green Zebras and Ground Cherries in many forms – sliced, in BLTs, in gazpacho, tomato sauce – but it’s difficult to keep up with the flow. Our neighbors and friends are “helping out” with the overflow.
Continue reading Beer Reads and Many Flavors