Valentine Tree

A Siren’s Song

Tonight, she calls. Her seductive song promises fulfillment and warm, intoxicating passion. She sings, “Hold me, embrace me, gaze upon my beauty, let your lips taste my sweet, rich body. I ask only one thing – say my name.”

I have succumbed to this siren’s temptations several times. Once she came to a party and stayed for weeks, constantly singing her song. Her allure was everpresent and entrancing. And then suddenly, she was gone.

She is a magical being. Once, she turned this craft beer blogging hack into a renowned and accomplished author, Stephen King. But that is another story.

The siren is Siren Noire, a Heavy Seas’ Imperial Stout. It is dark, silky and chocolatey sweet. If you have the courage, head to Frisco Tap House in Columbia and say her name.

Heavy Seas Siren Noire
Heavy Seas Siren Noire



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