It looks like the soggiest Maryland year will end on a wet note. CNN notes we can expect lots more rain Friday and New Year’s Eve. Always the optimist, I’m hoping 2019 will be a drier year. I suggest seeking shelter from all the wetness and checking out the following craft beer nuggets of wisdom.

Do you remember the controversy about Wegmans trying to establish a liquor store in Columbia, right next to its grocery store? Well, as the Village Green/Town² notes, Mr. Quick has been working on establishing the mom and pop liquor store, Loft Wine and Spirits, at that location. It appears he has made significant progress, gaining approval from the Howard County liquor board. Not surprisingly, nearby liquor stores (i.e. Perfect Pour) are challenging the ruling. This is something Howard Countians should keep an eye on.
As I may have mentioned, Mrs. Adventures and I will be heading to the Bahamas in the near future. I look forward to having a cold Corona on the beach while there. Or, I did before I read Mother Jones A Little Bit of Lime Won’t Make This New Water-Sucking Corona Factory Go Down Any Easier. It appears Constellation Brands who own the US rights to Corona, Modelo, Victoria, and Pacifico may be taking much-needed water from their Mexican neighbors to make beer. Maybe I’ll just savor a local Bahama beer instead. Thanks to Five and Dime Ale House bartender, Drew, for alerting me to this issue.
I have a friend that likes to learn how to order a beer in many different languages – “Noch
Thanks to alert reader, Jack, for alerting me to Ken Grossman on the Sierra Nevada Camp Fire Relief Fund and the Collaborative Effort Behind Resilience IPA. Note: In a quick search, I found no local stores selling Resilience IPA today.
As long-time Warren’s Beer Adventures’ readers are aware, I’ve been following the efforts of Peter Franchot’s Reform on Tap (ROT) with great interest. Ryan Miner in his blog/podcast, A Miner Detail, offers up 2018: The winners and losers in Maryland Politics. In Miner’s piece, he mentions both Comptroller Franchot and Salisbury Mayor, Jake Day (both participants of ROT) as winners.