December 22, 2018
While watching the Baltimore Ravens play the Los Angeles Chargers, a Bud Light medieval ad ran during the first half. It’s another Dilly Dilly advertisement, with Count Pamplemousse repeatedly stopping the king from tasting the count’s mead, mentioning “mouth feel”, “layered aromas” and a “tinge of sour cream”. Out of patience, the king ends up sending the count and countess to the “wine cellar” (actually a dungeon cell).
The pasty Count Pamplemousse is a derogatory version of a craft beer enthusiast. The king is a champion of that “medieval” beer, Bud Light. I find the commercial a bit funny but Budweiser’s mocking tone towards craft beer seems desperate. According to CNN Business,
Bud Light’s shipping volume from the U.S. fell by 2 million barrels last year, the biggest yearly drop the trade publication has recorded.
Bud Light’s sales are in free fall. It’s like Bud Light, that rice infused, tasteless macro beer has reached “the end of the world”.
Coincidentally, I just had an old world style Unibroue La Fin Du Monde, North America’s first Belgian Tripel. Beer Advocate provides a great description of one of my favorite beers:
La Fin du Monde was developed through 18 months of research on a unique strain of yeast originating from Europe. It is brewed in honor of the intrepid European explorers who believed they had reached the “end of the world” when they discovered North America ‘the new world’. This triple-style golden ale recreates the style of beer originally developed in the Middle Ages bytrappist monks for special occasions and assuch it was the first of its kind to be brewed in North America.

Dilly Dilly
La Fin Du Monde is an excellent beer. I haven’t had many Belgian Triples so I can’t say how good it really is. But I like it.
As for AB-InBev.. Love the commercials, I don’t take offense. Eventually they’ll learn they need to embrace the craft beer movement. They just aren’t there yet…
I’m not sure I “love” the ads but they are funny. I, also, don’t take offense. I do find it funny that Bud is mocking the craft beer movement at the same time as they gobble up craft breweries. Dilly dilly! 🍻
The conundrum we are or will facing is when the AB Inbevs of the world do start embracing craft style beer will we craft beer lovers also embrace it or declare the AB Inbv craft beer no longer craft beer and walk away ala Wicked Weed and it’s ilk?
At first, I got on my high horse and boycotted the AB InBev beers. But how can you give up Wicked Weed and BCS?