Beer Reads

The beer diet has my weight steadily approaching my goal of 200 lbs. In fact, I’m hovering just 2.2 lbs from that milestone. Unfortunately, the great American holiday of overeating (Thanksgiving) is just days away. So, here’s my dilemma; if I overeat on turkey and beer this week, I won’t drop another pound. As prescribed by the beer diet, I must drop a pound each week or no beer the following week. But wait – that would mean I could not drink beer during the 3rd Annual Columbia Pub Crawl on Saturday, November 24th. Should I lose the 2.2 lbs before Thanksgiving 3rd Annual Columbia Pub Crawl, allowing me to binge on Thanksgiving and have a few beers on the crawl? (That requires huge discipline!) Or behave myself during the holiday of gluttony and risk no beer for the crawl? (Requiring even more discipline!!) What do you think? Last weeks daily weight the week before Thanksgiving.

Beer Reads

This weekend is predicted to be cold but sunny. So, find a cozy spot to curl up with a beer and catch up on the world of craft beer.

The closest brewery to me, Sapwood Cellars, has a new DIPA but more importantly, is now open on Sundays!

Pierce in his blog, God Save the Keg, explains how he fixed a stuck fermentation. Interesting stuff!

I know, I know, the following articles are not about craft beer but I found them intriguing. First, have you ever heard of Snow? It’s the most popular beer in the world. Here are the top ten beers of the world. Keeping in the macro beer world, here are 11 cheap beers, evaluated from awful to okay. The Rolling Rock description is spot on:

It tastes of angst and raging hormones…”

VinePair assures us that craft beer prices are not going through the roof.

Good Beer Hunting asks us Stick to Beer? The Morals and Marketing Behind Picking a Side. Silver Spring’s Denizen and Julie Verratti are mentioned in this interesting piece.

Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving!


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