Beer Reads

Some call me Mr. McGregor because of my hatred of rabbits. This summer, one particular rabbit has tormented me and my garden. This Bugs Bunny of rabbits had devoured trays of newly planted vegetables, countless tomatoes, and carrots. The other day, I chased him out of my garden for the umpteenth time. Five minutes later, I heard a shriek and cloud of feathers. A red-shouldered hawk had caught my tormentor. 
Tromboncino Squash
Tromboncino Squash, one that escaped the waskelly wabbit.

As I relish this sweet moment of revenge, I invite you to savor one of your favorite cold beverages during a quiet moment and check out these beer reads.

As a lover of saisons, I’m always interested in learning more about this old Belgian-style. Good Beer Hunting’s Saison D’etre — The Je Ne Sais Quoi of the Strain that Defines Convention provides some insight into this delicious beverage.

Sapwood Cellars provides an update to their first full month in operation.

New York brewery petitions Congress to make Election Day federal holiday by sending empty beer cans to Capitol – pretty cool idea!

Brewed in Baltimore reports on the Baltimore Craft Beer Festival 2018.

Here’s a recipe for making pumpkin seeds with beer brine – a waste of beer? or not?

