It must be the holiday season —I had my first Sierra Nevada Celebration. On tap at Frisco Tap House, this creamy, fresh-hopped California IPA is a great way to welcome in the season. So, sometime this weekend, find a warm cozy corner and enjoy these beer reads. Continue reading Beer Reads For a Cold Weekend
Monthly Archives: November 2018

A Soggy Crawl
Columbia, MD November 24, 2018
Four of us are standing in a steady downpour, our feet are wet but we’re all strangely happy.

Barrel-Aged Black and a Crawl
Black Friday has come and gone without any shopping for me. I did meet DBear for a barrel-aged drink at Frisco where we talked about the upcoming pub crawl. Continue reading Barrel-Aged Black and a Crawl

Happy Turkey Day
Columbia, MD Thanksgiving, 2018
It’s that magical day that all American’s spend in thankful contemplation. Our thankfulness is often expressed in consuming huge amounts of food and drink, watching football and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Continue reading Happy Turkey Day
Beer Reads
The beer diet has my weight steadily approaching my goal of 200 lbs. In fact, I’m hovering just 2.2 lbs from that milestone. Unfortunately, the great American holiday of overeating (Thanksgiving) is just days away. Continue reading Beer Reads
Jim’s 100th
Columbia, MD November 14th
I did have a Flying Dog Bloodline before we all chugged a Natty Boh. Continue reading Jim’s 100th

Columbia, MD November 14, 2018
It’s time to bring out your Mr. Scratchy T-shirts! Jim will celebrate his 100th unique beer at Frisco Tap House tonight! Continue reading Celebrate!
Beer Reads
Some call me Mr. McGregor because of my hatred of rabbits. This summer, one particular rabbit has tormented me and my garden. This Bugs Bunny of rabbits had devoured trays of newly planted vegetables, countless tomatoes, and carrots. The other day, I chased him out of my garden for the umpteenth time. Five minutes later, I heard a shriek and cloud of feathers. A red-shouldered hawk had caught my tormentor. Continue reading Beer Reads

More Galveston Adventures
Galveston, TX Halloween, 2018
It rained on Halloween for a soggy last day in Galveston. The rain came down in sheets for about an hour. We waited out the rain, then tried to visit 3 breweries: Beerfoot Brewery, the Devil and the Deep Brewing, and Galveston Island Brewing. Continue reading More Galveston Adventures
Beer Reads from Texas
Houston, TX November 3, 2018
It is a beautiful day in Houston, Texas – 70 degrees and sunny. This afternoon my family will be celebrating a wedding at …. wait for it … a brewpub, City Acre Brewing. Today’s beer adventure has lots of potential which I’m sure you will be reading about in a future post. Continue reading Beer Reads from Texas