Since it was Bring Your Own Mug Night at Black Flag Brewing and several of us had some cool mugs, we stopped in.

I missed weight on Saturday, so I am ‘on the wagon’ – so just water for me tonight. For those new to the blog, I am on the Beer Diet and need to lose one pound each week or no beer for the week.
BTW, the expression ‘on the wagon’ comes from the temperance movement, starting as ‘on the water-cart’, then morphing to ‘on the water-wagon’, then finally ‘on the wagon’. Apparently, the Abstinence Society encouraged millions of men to take the pledge, vowing to never have another intoxicating drink. What’s the connection to the water wagon? Men vowed to rather drink from the water-cart than an intoxicating drink. The water-cart was used to spray water on the roads to settle the dust. In my opinion, this is a pretty weird explanation for a very confusing expression. Maybe I won’t use that phrase any more.
You learn something everyday. I never knew that about being off the wagon.