I have good news. Entering into week 4 of the Beer Diet, I can continue to drink beer. The rules are simple —lose a pound in a week and I can continue to enjoy beer. Last week, I weighed 213.6 lbs; today: 211.4 lbs; that’s 2.2 pounds down!

Since the start of this diet on September 1st, I’ve lost 11.2 pounds. The app Lose It! reports I will reach my goal of 200 lbs. on Dec 11, 2018. I am sure this journey to 200 will not be easy. The future challenges include Halloween, parties, dinner with friends, and a vacation to Houston for a wedding. During the vacation, I will have to plan for a week without a scale, which will be like hiking without a compass. Hopefully, by then established habits will help continue the steady loss of weight.
Last week’s beers with calories included:
- Sam Adams Oktoberfest (140)
- Quinannan Falls Special Lager (235)
- National Bohemian (135)
- Bell’s Two Hearted Ale (210)
- Schofferhofer (136)
- Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock (210)
- Sierra Nevada Hop Bullet (240).
To add to the fun (some might call it a challenge) of losing another pound this week, Mrs. Adventures and I have plans to eat out Saturday and Monday night. Plus, I have my regular Wednesday Pint Night with friends for a beer or 2 (because I can drink beer this week). Wish me luck!