I sampled Z’s DC Brau Double IPA (I think it was On The Wings of Armageddon). It was a nice IIPA but I was not in the mood. The Penn Quarter Porter was also available but this hot summer night was not the time for this great porter. I went with El Hefe Speaks, a mild, hazy hefeweizen with lots of banana esters; perfect after a hot day of yard work. Plus, when buying a DC Brau this pint night, I received a pint glass. The pint glass is the very popular can-shaped glass.

As luck would have it, Frisco happened to have 2 cask beers from Goonda Beersmiths. SPBW had an event at Frisco last Thursday and Goonda beers were still available. Liz Murphy had introduced me to Tim Scouten of Goonda about a year ago but I have not run across these highly acclaimed brewery’s beers.
I ordered the Post Candy Bar, a complex stout on cask. It was an amazing beer with vanilla, caramel, mint, chocolate, coffee and maybe even a little licorice flavors. I savored this delicious beer and agree that this brewery is as good as advertised.

BTW, I just got a text from Justin of Allview Liquors. In his words, “Just in a ton of new hazy beers plus much more limited beer.”