Yesterday, I spent the day in Annapolis observing the messy democratic process. The Economic Matters Committee heard House Bill 518 (I’m for it) and House Bill 1052 (I’m against it). I expect to post a blog about that fascinating experience in the next few days. Until then, enjoy these tidbits of beer information I have discovered on the internet. Continue reading Saturday Beer Reads
Monthly Archives: February 2018

Love Thy Beer
Last night, I attended Love Thy Beer: Winter Warmer Showcase. This Brewers Association of Maryland event celebrates FeBREWary. Twenty-six breweries submitted their unique version of Cupid’s Curse for attendees to select the 2018 winner. (Breaking News: Olde Mother Brewing has won the Cupid’s Curse for 2018 for their Expressions of Love Stout with castoreum). Continue reading Love Thy Beer
Beer Reads
I’ve picked out a few craft beer pieces to read on this Saturday. When the snow starts, find a cozy spot to catch up on the craft beer world. Continue reading Beer Reads

My Guest Blog on Book Culinary Vacations
I just recently posted on another site – my first guest blog! The site is BookCulinaryVacations. They organize culinary vacations, so if you are into food, it’s worth a visit. (Not an affiliate link)
Also, they asked about craft beer, so I put something together for them. Please check out my guest post at BookCulinaryVacation – Craft Beer Revolution.
BTW, no beer was injured in the making of this post.
More Saturday Beer Reads
February 10th, 2018
After watching the Olympic Opening Ceremonies last night, I’m ready to get out and do something today. Last Saturday, I made a beer in Brewer’s Hill with my son and friends. The original gravity was low, so I’ll be adding some sugar (either honey or dry malt extract) to get the alcohol content and flavor up. Also, I have an electric strap that we can use to regulate the temperature of the wort since the house is a bit cool. Fun times!
Below are some craft beer articles that I found interesting. Enjoy. Continue reading More Saturday Beer Reads
Saturday Beer Reads
Feb 3rd, 2018
Today is brew day. On this cold Saturday morning, I’ll be heading to Brewer’s Hill in Baltimore to help my son and friends brew beer. We are making a clone of Sam Smith’s Nut Brown Ale – yum. Continue reading Saturday Beer Reads