It’s Wednesday night, which means Frisco Pint Night. Today features Firestone Walker, the amazing California brewery. I wore my Frisco T-shirt (aka Mr. Scratchy) in anticipation of Mark’s 50th beer. If you drink 50 unique beers at Frisco, you receive one of their T-shirts. Well, there was a bit of a surprise.
Mark, a snowbird, is headed to Florida for the winter. He had hoped to reach T-shirt status before he traveled south but was just a few beers shy of 50. But wait, surprise, surprise, Jim brought in a wad of receipts and discovered that he would be getting a T-shirt! Check out Jim’s accomplishment below.

Frisco was a spooky place, with Halloween decorations everywhere. Despite the warnings, no zombie attacks were reported. Our server, beer savvy Alycia, was able to deliver some very quaffable beverages to our table totally unscathed.

I tasted dBear’s SLOambic, which was a terrific, fruity Lambic – ruby red. For my Firestone Walker, I chose the Bretta Rosé. It was tart/sour strawberries with a little Brett funk and some surprising sweetness. Yummy!
BTW, it looks like most of us will be skipping Smutty Nose Pint Night at Frisco next week. Instead, many of us will be getting our fill of pumpkin ales on Thursday for Frisco’s 6th annual Pumpktoberfest.
Congratulations, Jim, for your new T-shirt! And Mark, enjoy your winter in warm, sunny Florida!

Spooky stuff 🎃