We wanted to see the Ommegang poster that Z had won at Frisco Tap House a few weeks back, so we chose to stay in. It was the right choice. We ended up having wonderful food, a diverse set of interesting, delicious beers and great conversation among friends.

We all commented how nice it was to stay in and just enjoy good beer and friends. The conversations went from beer festivals to bicycling, to movies, to horseback riding, just to name a few. Thanks Z for hosting!

As you can see, we had a diverse set of beers. You’ll have to trust us – they were all very good. The beer styles ranged from a hefeweizen, an IPA, a Belgian tripel and dubbel, a coffee porter, a hop blast, a Russian imperial stout and a brown. I’m sure I missed a few. We even performed a few triangle tests to challenge our tasting skills. We wrapped things up with ice cream floats made with a chocolate stout – yum!
Very cool night, great food, beer, friends! Hard to beat. The chocolate peanut butter stout float got me thinking of our beer dinner at devil’s alley.
You know, sometimes it’s just great to hang with friends and enjoy good food and drink. It’s so easy to forget that with all the great establishments in the neighborhood.