First, Manor Hill Tavern in historic Ellicott City has now opened for a “Sneak Peak” on February 27th. No reservations will be taken and the tavern will be open from 4:00 PM until Midnight. After the “Sneak Peak” period is over, they will transition to a full menu and start taking reservations.
Second, I stopped by Hysteria Brewing in Columbia today. I met owners Rich and Jordan who gave a quick tour. They even offered beer samples. It was 10:30 AM and I hadn’t eaten, so I declined. Construction is still going on but quite a lot of the staff is there and they are making beer. Rich says that they are now hoping for an April opening. Personally, I can’t wait.
Third, I also stopped by Bulk Head Brewing Company. The place was dark and all the construction trucks were gone. A friend told me the construction is complete, tables and chairs are in, and an opening is just around the corner. They are waiting to install TVs and make some beer.
Thanks, Warren! There is a lot of beer stuff going on in Howard County.
A new pub and 2 breweries about to open. HoCo is becoming craft beer central!
Hey Warren…so your stop at Hysteria Brewing….10:30am, hadn’t eaten, declined samples. What again was the problem?
Hi Marc, Clearly I need to reevaluate my priorities.