Black Flag owner announces winners

Febrewary Announcement

The high table at Black Flag Brewing Co was overflowing with the Wednesday Pint Night crew. We were all eager to hear the 8:00 PM announcement of the Febrewary homebrew competition.
still filling up a table
Our high table overflows.

The 4 Pint Night brewers who had entered a beer into the competition were all bragging and talking smack about why we would win. Despite the unfavorable odds, we were all sure that one of us would take home a prize. Add some freshly made beers into the mix and it was a fun time.

I explain how I made my 4th place beer.
I “humbly” explain how I made my 4th place beer to Jim (left) and Paul (right)

8 o’clock rolled around and Black Flag owner, Brian, stood on a stool and announced the winners. Surprisingly, no trumpets blared or confetti fell. Third place goes to a Russian Imperial Oatmeal Stout with cinnamon. Second place is a double IPA. The overall winner is a session IPA. Chris from Maryland Homebrew handed out gift cards to the runners-up. The first place winner was absent, but 31 gallons of his beer will be made with the Black Flag’s pilot system. I look forward to trying it.

None of the Pint Night brewers received awards but we took it well. We decided that we all tied for 4th place. In fact, there are rumors of a 4th place dinner where our 4th place beers will be served. Sounds like fun. And of course, there is always next year.



P.S. Here’s a note from Black Flag’s facebook page:

Thanks to everyone who entered our Homebrew Contest!
1st – Michael Rodger – Session IPA
2nd – Robert Mosier – Double IPA
3rd – Brian Gillette – ‘Ricos Roughnecks’ Imperial Oatmeal Stout

We learned a lot with this first contest and have changes in store for next year.
1. We will be providing feedback sheets for all entries
2. We [will] be charging a small fee to enter. Fee will go to a charity of some kind, but will keep the number of entries more reasonable. 81 was too much for our small staff!
3. We will provide a few rough categories and you can place your beer in the category of your choice rather than have it assigned by the judges.

Thanks again and keep an eye out for the winner’s recipe on tap in the next month!

2 thoughts on “Febrewary Announcement

  1. And these will become the world’s best 4th place beers of all time with each retelling.

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