Tröegs Mad Elf
I look forward to this gem from Hershey, Pennsylvania every winter. It is a big Belgian Strong Dark Ale that weighs in at 11% ABV. This ruby red beer tastes of cherry, caramel, chocolate and a hint of Belgian yeast. Each year I plan to save one of these beauties for a year or two, but somehow end up drinking them all up — just too delicious to keep.
Samichlaus Classic Bier
At 14% ABV, this is touted as the strongest beer in the world. The Austrian brewery, Schloss Eggen
berg, brews this doppelbock on December 6th (St Nicholas’ Day) and ages it for 10 months. It is then released the following year on December 6th. It is complex and creamy, dangerously disguising its high alcohol content. Samichlaus is difficult to find, but well worth looking for. I have even attempted to make my own version. Chop & Brew provides 30 minutes of YouTube discussion on this huge, wonderful beer. They talk about all three Samichlaus styles, Bier Helles, Classic Bier, and Schwarzes. I’ve only found the Classic, but will keep looking.
Samuel Smith Winter Welcome
This winter warmer from Sam Smith is a refreshing change from the usual sipping winter beers. It is a balanced beer with biscuit and malty caramel tastes melded with earthy Fuggles and East Kent Goldings hops. At 6% ABV, it is a very approachable English style winter warmer. I found I could not get enough of this wonderful beer, so I have brewed a few clones over the years, and have one in the carboy right now.
Sierra Nevada Celebration
Sierra Nevada has been making hoppy craft beers for what seems like forever. Celebration is an American IPA, with no Christmas spices, just piney hops balanced with big, malty flavors. At 6.8% ABV, having more than one is an option. This very different winter release is a must for hop heads.
Bell’s Christmas Ale
Not all winter beers have to be big beers with strong tastes. This Scottish Ale from Michigan is a 5.4% ABV ale, subtly sweet with caramel notes and traditional winter spices. I find myself coming back to this charming beer all winter and have kept the fridge well stocked.
Corsendonk Christmas Ale
I try to sample a Corsendonk Christmas Ale every winter. It’s a complex Belgian Strong Dark Ale coming in at 8.5% ABV. This spicy and malty ale is to me the epitome of a Christmas Ale made in Belgium. You cannot go wrong by celebrating the holidays with a bottle of this dark, smooth beer.
Scaldis Noël (Bush de Noël)
Beware, this delicious beer can be dangerous at 12% ABV. It is considered world-class by Brewers Advocate and is number 1 of 104 Christmas beers in Paste’s Blind-Tasted Best Christmas Beers for 2016. It is another complex Belgian Strong Dark Ale, with lots of the traditional Belgian yeast aromas of banana and clove, with tastes of cherry, malt, caramel and spice. A wonderful beer requiring plenty of restraint. Perhaps you should hide a bottle from yourself and save it for next year.
St. Bernardus Christmas Ale
Year after year, St. Barnardus Christmas Ale is named one of, if not the best, Christmas Ale in the world. This Belgian quadruple is balanced, yet complex, with aromas of dark fruits and toffee and the sweet tastes of gingerbread and holiday spices. This scrumptious beer won last year’s Blind-Tasted Best Christmas Beers and is named 2nd this year. St. Bernardus is a commercial Belgian brewery has had a tradition linked to the Trappist Monastery St. Sixtus in Westvleteren, brewing many of their beers.
Gouden Carolus Noël
This 10.5% ABV ale is brewed in Belgium and is a typical winter ale with a surprising twist. Standing out among the six different spices is anise, giving it a distinctive licorice flavor. We were fighting over the last few glasses at our holiday feast.
Breckenridge Christmas Ale
Last, but certainly not least, is this delicious, approachable Christmas Ale. This Colorado brewer produces a winter warmer with rich caramel and chocolate flavors. At 7.1%, it warms both with its flavorful spices and alcohol content.
Great list Warren! I love all the beers you’ve mentioned. I would also include Harpoon’s Winter Warmer as a excellent winter beer. It has a mild malty sweetness with a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg in a brew of less than 6 ABV. Check it out.
Thanks for the suggestion. Lower ABV Christmas beers are a welcome change.